Friday, May 22, 2020
The Best Paper Evvver - 1898 Words
Joanna Wilbur 2010-2011 Global: Summer Reading Notes The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli 1) Why did Machiavelli write The Prince? Machiavelli wrote The Prince because he wanted to impress Lorenzo de Medici, who was the current ruler, and prove that he was knowledgeable and a useful advisor to him. He also wrote it as a mirror for Princes to read and understand how to be effective in power. 2) Name three recurring themes in The Prince? 1) One recurring theme in The Prince was that successful war is the foundation upon which all states are built. 2) Another is that it is better for a prince to be feared then hated or loved. 3) The last is free will and the cause of a prince’s success or failure is caused by†¦show more content†¦Machiavellian rulers are tough and kind and have every good characteristic that rulers should have. So a state under Machiavellian rule would be good for everyone. Everyone would have money and food because of the good economy and would be safe and protected because of the good army. A Machiavellian ruler in my opinion was the best for the kingdoms in the middle ages and before and if there were still kingdoms now it would be the best for them too. Utopia By Sir Thomas More 1) Describe the geography of Utopia. What role does geography play in the way Utopian society developed? Utopia is located on a crescent- shaped island that curves in on itself enclosing a large bay protecting it from the ocean and wind. Its only entrance is through a group of rocks and the way through is only known by the Utopians so any external attack is unlikely. The Utopian geography affects the culture and the economy because there are no outside influences and the economy because there aren’t any wars to pay for. This also helps with the peace and health of the people there because they don’t have to fight. 2) Describe the economy of Utopia. In utopia, everyone serves a purpose and takes up a particular trade. On a rotational basis people from the city go to the countryside so they can learn to do something useful so they can be a productive individual. If a person doesn’t contribute to the society then they cannot
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Essay on Benjamin Franklin American Diplomat - 1045 Words
During the seventeen hundreds, the United States was created by a group of individuals who stressed the freedom, equality, and justice for all people. The founders of the United States had no idea they would create one of the richest nations in the world. Today however, many Americans have forgotten to honor these groups of intellectuals that built this country and refused to rule it. Benjamin Franklin, a famous and respected diplomat in the seventeen hundreds, was one of the most influential founders of this country. As a member of the Benjamin Franklin Birthday Association, I strongly declare a national holiday to honor Franklin because he made numerous achievements for this nation. Since birth, Benjamin Franklin was, without a†¦show more content†¦Today, many students refer to the library for their research or quiet readings thanks to Benjamin Franklin. Nevertheless, he remains a forgotten individual in the hearts of most Americans. Not only did the founding father promot e education for the early Americans, but he was also a great leader for the colonies during the French and Indian War. In the beginning of the war, the colonial armies were separated which lead to many American casualties from the French troops and Native Americans. Benjamin, elected to represent in the assembly at Pennsylvania, proposed a plan Albany Congress. This plan would â€Å"†¦reunite the colonial army†¦ lay relations with the Indian tribes, secure trade during wartime, and start the building of forts†(Brands, pgs. 234-235). Though his idea failed during the French and Indian War, it laid the foundation for the Continental Army, under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, to fight against Great Britain in the future. Moreover, Franklin he leads an army to build a fort for the colonists fighting against the Indians and the French. Having no background of military experience, he created a fort before being terminated from his military career (Bra nds, pgs. 270-271). Here, it becomes obvious to anyone that Franklin, regardless of his inexperience in the military, created a defensive barrier for his fellow American friends. Yet, Americans have forgotten his effortsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Ben Franklin: Early Life1685 Words  | 7 PagesBen Franklin: Early Life In his many careers as a printer, moralist, essayist, civic leader, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, and philosopher, for later generations of Americans he became both a spokesman and a model for the national character. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts on Jan. 17, 1706, into a religious Puritan household. His father, Josiah, was a candlemaker and a skillful mechanic. His mother, Abiah Ben’s parents raised thirteen children--the survivors of Josiah’s seventeenRead MoreBenjamin Franklin Was Born In A Boston, House January 17,1057 Words  | 5 PagesBenjamin Franklin was born in a Boston, house January 17, 1706, the tenth son of Abiah Folger, daughter of an indentured servant. His father Josiah Franklin was a candlemaker. He went to Boston’s Latin school when he was 8 where everyone thought he was Harvard bound. When he was 12, he was unsure of his religious beliefs and did not divorce himself to school therefore dropping out. Later recognized as one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin played a major role in the construction of AmericaRead MoreBenjamin Franklin, the Father of Foreign Diplomacy Essay1467 Words  | 6 Pagesfreedom was the diplomatic travels of Benjamin Franklin. His travels to England and France set the foundation for the dealings in foreign diplomacy that are still in effect today. Without Benjamin Franklins wisdom, knowledge and courage to address Kings and Parliament on the behalf of the colonies, the American government, as we know it would not exist. Benjamin was born January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts the 15th of 17 children. His father, Josiah Franklin was a soap and candle maker andRead MoreBenjamin FranklinS Contributions To The American History1537 Words  | 7 Pages Benjamin Franklin s contributions to the American history Benjamin Franklin has a significant impact to the American Revolution and the building of a new nation. His brilliant inventions throughout his life made a significant impact on the United States and will be remembered for them in U.S history. Franklin had inventions like the Franklins stove, and the lightning rod, he also discovered electricity. His inventions and discoveries have changed lives from the first day it was introduced.Read More Benjamin Franklin Essay1332 Words  | 6 PagesBenjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street in Boston on January 17th, 1706. His father was Josiah Franklin, a candle and soap maker. His mother was Abiah Folger and she was Josiahs second wife. Benjamin Franklin was the youngest son of 17 children. Benjamin attended Boston Latin School for two years but did not graduate because of lack of money; however he continued his education by reading great quantities. His parents wanted him to go into the church, however at age 10 his schooling ended and h eRead MoreStealing God s Thunder Benjamin Franklin s Lighting Rod And The Invention Of America979 Words  | 4 PagesProfessor John Greg Thompson American History 1 11/30/16 The book Stealing God’s Thunder Benjamin Franklin’s Lighting Rod and the invention of America. By, Philip Dray renowned author, writer, and historian. Philip is known for his comprehensiveness of World history pertaining to racial, scientific, labor and social matters. Dray navigates the reader in an up-close and personal look into the life of Benjamin Franklin, as a youth well into his senior years until death. He outlined facts; BenRead MoreBenjamin Franklin And The American Revolution1406 Words  | 6 PagesIn the American revolution, several men and women made great sacrifices for the liberty of the thirteen American colonies from British tyranny. Men and women of different walks of life gave their contributions in the forms of literature, propositions, and even their lives. One of these men was Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin’s life was intertwined with that of America’s life. The more notable of his works is his printed items such as â€Å"J oin or die†, The Declaration of Independence and U.S. ConstitutionRead More Benjamin Franklin Essay990 Words  | 4 Pages Benjamin Franklin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his career as a simple printer apprentice, but went far beyond the printers shop. He developed products that were far beyond the time. The Franklin stove for example, for cold winter nights and bifocal lenses for reading. Franklin tracked storm paths to help understand the wicked weather endured by the colonies. His study of electricity made him most famous for he was known around the worldRead MoreBenjamin Franklin Essay894 Words  | 4 PagesINTRODUCTION Benjamin Franklin was born in Milk Street, Boston on January 6, 1706. Throughout his existence Franklin exemplified a life of self-improvement. His eagerness to improve himself trickled over into his eagerness to help others improve themselves. Franklin was the youngest son of his father’s 17 children. Coming from such an enormous family, his education ended at the age of ten years old. At the age of twelve Franklin began to work alongside of his brother James. When the two of themRead MoreEssay about Benjamin Franklin1935 Words  | 8 PagesBenjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was an American printer and publisher, author, inventor, scientist, and who was a diplomat born on January 17th 1706 and died in Philadelphia on April 17th 1790. Franklin was one of ten sons of seventeen children of a man by the name of Josiah who was a soap and candle maker and mother by the name of Abiah, a discrete and virtuous woman (Van Doren 7). Ben was raised in a Puritan heritage household which they had left to avoid Englands Restoration Era of 1683
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Tuskegee Experiment Free Essays
The Tuskegee experiment was yet another demonstration of racial inequalities and dehumanization illustrated by a people who believed in racial superiority. The experiment was unethical and demoralizing from the beginning. The analysis was corrupt and unethical for a plethora of reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on The Tuskegee Experiment or any similar topic only for you Order Now The experiment disregarded several basic principles of the American Sociological Association’s code of ethics. Perhaps the greatest flaw in the experiment was the intended denial of treatment, which, in turn, directly affected the subject’s safety, violating the code of ‘protecting subjects from personal harm’. Respect the subject’s right to privacy and dignity’ is an additional custom in the code of ethics ignored. The researchers clearly could not even conceive the thought of respecting these â€Å"inferior racial guinea pigs†, not their health, their dignity, or their humanity. The fact that these men were made a mockery of, lied to, and belittled affirms that the informed consent was nothing more than a deceitful tactic to involve the individuals. The men were advised that they were ill and were promised care, and were not told they were participants in an experiment, which precisely disrupts the code of ‘seeking informed consent when data are collected from research participants or when behavior occurs in a private context’. Though the event preceded the declaration of the informed consent notion, it is still fraudulent because of the timeline and deceptions planned and carried out by the conductors, therefore it should still be factored in, because of the depth and the fact that the participants were bamboozled. The fact that the treatments were ineffective have nothing to do with the experiment being ethical, as far as the conductors were concerned, treatment was out of the equation anyway, so the fact that the dosages were toxic is irrelevant. The advanced nature of the syphilis in each patient contributes to the prevailing thought that the study was not only misguided, but unscrupulous as well. These men needed immediate medical care, but the urgency was of no concern to the researchers. The fact that these men were told they were ill (and that they were) and promised care, but were denied it, provides further evidence that experiment should have been stopped before it was even initialized, but realistically that was not going to happen. When the patients began dying off, the researchers should have stepped in, stopped the study and treated the patients, but because of the â€Å"ignorance and easily influence nature†of the subjects, they were not given treatment. Ignorance is deemed the right term indeed, but only because the researchers left out the whole nature of the experiment. They were given placebos, food, shelter, and constant letters informing them they were being treated and followed up on. Initially, I believe the patients were, in a way, excited about the treatment, because they thought it was just that, treatment. The participants were not too quick to jump into the research though, until of course, they were given incentives, their cooperation was built on the promise of help and generosity of mankind. As time moved forward, I believe they were still hopeful due in part to the fabrication of treatment, but maybe a bit suspicious, hence the start of the covers for burial preparations if death, in fact, struck them. As the years progressed, many participants died, from the severity of their illness, so therefore much of the primary evidence of feelings and emotions is not known. Over time, I expect that the attitudes toward the experiment, from the perspective of the participants and outsiders, did indeed change, and not positively. In decades following, the attention became negative, angry, and impatient. As of now, I believe people, of all races, are utterly disgusted and outraged. The fact that this continued for nearly forty years is incredible and ridiculous. Withholding information of this magnitude, which affects one’s health or safety is unacceptable. In other studies, it can be accepted, because many times, knowing the intent of an experiment can alter the outcome, defined in the Hawthorne Effect. So long as the study does not inflict harm or danger to its subjects, both physically and mentally, withholding information can be justified. When an experiment is found to be unethical or corrupt period, the information gathered should be discarded and not used or profited for the advancement of science, because that in turn, discredits science in general. If the results were to be published and interpreted, being incorrect, then future experiments and observations founded on these primitive notions will not only be invalid, but could lead to negative effects. To conclude, not only was the trail immoral and unethical, it could have potentially changed the face of science and how we look at diseases, such as syphilis itself. How to cite The Tuskegee Experiment, Papers
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