Thursday, May 7, 2020
Essay on Benjamin Franklin American Diplomat - 1045 Words
During the seventeen hundreds, the United States was created by a group of individuals who stressed the freedom, equality, and justice for all people. The founders of the United States had no idea they would create one of the richest nations in the world. Today however, many Americans have forgotten to honor these groups of intellectuals that built this country and refused to rule it. Benjamin Franklin, a famous and respected diplomat in the seventeen hundreds, was one of the most influential founders of this country. As a member of the Benjamin Franklin Birthday Association, I strongly declare a national holiday to honor Franklin because he made numerous achievements for this nation. Since birth, Benjamin Franklin was, without a†¦show more content†¦Today, many students refer to the library for their research or quiet readings thanks to Benjamin Franklin. Nevertheless, he remains a forgotten individual in the hearts of most Americans. Not only did the founding father promot e education for the early Americans, but he was also a great leader for the colonies during the French and Indian War. In the beginning of the war, the colonial armies were separated which lead to many American casualties from the French troops and Native Americans. Benjamin, elected to represent in the assembly at Pennsylvania, proposed a plan Albany Congress. This plan would â€Å"†¦reunite the colonial army†¦ lay relations with the Indian tribes, secure trade during wartime, and start the building of forts†(Brands, pgs. 234-235). Though his idea failed during the French and Indian War, it laid the foundation for the Continental Army, under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, to fight against Great Britain in the future. Moreover, Franklin he leads an army to build a fort for the colonists fighting against the Indians and the French. Having no background of military experience, he created a fort before being terminated from his military career (Bra nds, pgs. 270-271). Here, it becomes obvious to anyone that Franklin, regardless of his inexperience in the military, created a defensive barrier for his fellow American friends. Yet, Americans have forgotten his effortsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Ben Franklin: Early Life1685 Words  | 7 PagesBen Franklin: Early Life In his many careers as a printer, moralist, essayist, civic leader, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, and philosopher, for later generations of Americans he became both a spokesman and a model for the national character. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts on Jan. 17, 1706, into a religious Puritan household. His father, Josiah, was a candlemaker and a skillful mechanic. 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